Costume Shop Worker
The Department of Theatre provides a rigorous classroom experience, balanced with an ambitious production
season dedicated to professional values and practices. We revere the unique, cross-disciplinary power of the
theatre art form to explore the human condition, chronicle history, and contribute to salient contemporary
conversations on campus and in our community. Our curriculum emphasizes intensive study of literature,
culture, design, performance, and technology, while also demanding dynamic practical application. Our students
refine analytical and research abilities as they simultaneously strengthen their imaginative and creative aptitude.
From the lecture classroom and practice studio, to the construction shop and performance main-stage, we foster
disciplined theatre artists and informed audience members for the twenty-first century.
General Duties (all levels)
• Help in the creation and completion of costumes for all the theatrical productions produced by the
department of theatre.
• Maintain and organize the shop’s stock of costume pieces, shoes, fabrics, accessories, wigs, and
• Do any other tasks needed to prepare all pieces for the productions such as laundering, steaming,
ironing, mending, labeling, patching, among others.
Entry-Level Duties
• Perform basic repairs and alterations to costume pieces.
• Steam and iron pieces and fabrics. Label final costume pieces.
• Help create the show bible, ditty bags, and rack tags.
Upper Level Peer Advisors:
• Create pieces from a pattern, making first the mockup, altering the mockup, and then making the piece
from final fabric.
• Doing more advanced sewing techniques such as serging, invisible hems, dyeing, lining, and paneling.
• Helping other employees with projects and lending your knowledge when appropriate.
Job Specific Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
• Hone their sewing skills and become more competent with both hand sewing and machine sewing
• Learn time management and collaboration skills as you work alongside the other costume shop workers,
the costume shop manager, and the costume designer to create all pieces by the given deadlines.
Career Readiness Competencies and Transferable Skills
Students will be able to demonstrate the following Career Readiness Competencies (NACE Career readiness
Competencies) through:
• Demonstrate critical thinking/problem solving – through out-of-the-box thinking to help bring the
costume designer’s renderings to life and make them appropriate for the stage.
• Oral/written communications - keeping in contact with the costume shop manager with any questions
or concerns that may arise while on the job. Using the appropriate means of communication (email,
phone, etc) to voice any reasons, conflicts, or issues that could interfere with your ability to work.
• Teamwork/collaboration - by working alongside the other students in the shop, the shop manager, and
the designer to create, alter, and mend pieces.
• Digital technology – While we don’t use a lot of digital technology in the shop, students will learn how to
work machinery such as a sewing machine, iron, serger, washer and dryer, and steamer.
• Leadership – being a good example to their fellow employees by having a positive attitude and working
hard on each task assigned to them. Having the motivation and work ethic to jump from one project to
the next if they know something needs to be done.
• Professionalism/work ethic – arriving to the shop on time for all shifts, staying on task while in the
shop, not using their cell phones, meeting all mentioned deadlines, having a positive attitude, and
respecting all coworkers.
• Career management - maintaining a strong work ethic and using their time wisely to complete all tasks
given to them. Using the resources available to them (ie. shop manager) to ask questions on how to
advance their skill sets and their knowledge on the topic relevant to the shop.
• Global/intercultural fluency – Through creating the pieces, students will gain knowledge on different
types of theatrical productions, storylines and historical context, and fashion trends throughout
different periods and decades.
General expectations & skills to be successful in this position:
• Must have at least basic knowledge of sewing, be able to collaborate and work well in a team scenario,
stick to tight deadlines, be able to do some creative problem solving.
Learning Outcomes Assessment:
• With the supervisor, Peer Advisors will complete the Student Employee Performance Evaluation
midway through the semester and at the end of the semester
• Brief assessment of skills with the costume shop manager. This job demands different skills at different
times so learning new techniques will happen as certain situations arise.
Application Instructions:
• To apply, submit your resume using the Handshake system at albion.edu/handshake
• Email your inquiries to Marley Boone at mboone@albion.edu.
Please note, once you are offered a position you must first go to the Albion College Career and
Internship Center website
to print off the necessary forms for employment.
Student employees must complete tax forms (W-4 Withholding Allowance Certificates) and
proof of work eligibility (I-9) before beginning work as an Albion College Student Employee.
Completed forms must be delivered in person (bringing the required documentation) to the
Human Resources Office which is located in 225 Ferguson. All forms should be completed in ink,
not pencil and students should use their permanent address on all forms unless the permanent
address is an international address.